Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weighty Matters

I've been slowly, steadily gaining weight since I opened the store. That coincided with me being happy with my body and allowing myself to partake of the occasional treat. Which lead to my falling off the low carb wagon with an earth shattering thud. (Whenever I had a crop in the store (which was every weekend), there were cookies, and brownies,C and M&Ms, and sometimes cheesecake filling, etc, etc). Then I was in Minnesota and I stuffed my feelings with food. Then I was in California doing the same. I have good intentions, but it doesn't translate to action.

And now I'm over 200 pounds (my previous high was 180 or so). I've never been this big (and I'm only 5'4") - I just had to buy a new coat; I can't zip my coat comfortably. I have hardly any jammies that fit comfortably around the waist. My most comfortable jeans are falling apart (one of the rear pockets is unraveling). I've got reflux and B says I'm snoring sometimes. I get winded going up the stairs.

The first picture is from my graduation party in May of '07, I felt like I was rockin' that dress. The second was taken last month when we saw the president.


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