Monday, December 25, 2006


Momento is Spanish or Italian for "moment." It also sounds similar to the word "memento," which is an object, like a ticket stub or photo, that you keep to remind yourself of the good times. It's a "two-fer." Of course, the first few people I showed it to said, "You know, it's spelled M E M E N T O," and I'd have to explain about the Italian word - I'll definitely have to keep on top of that in my branding.

To me the word reminds us to pay attention to the little things, to live in the moment and enjoy what we have rather than thinking of what might have been. It speaks to me about why I scrapbook - to tell my stories to my family, and to remember the little details that add up to so much.

Here's the latest on my progress towards opening:
- The architect's plans are nearly complete and I hope to put the work out to bid very soon.
- The exterior signage has been ordered and is being worked on.
- Some "Coming Soon" banners are hanging in the windows.

I wish a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all.