Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yoga at the Swim Center

This morning I made it to the free yoga class at the hospital. It was lovely and the teacher (and the other participants) was really nice and sweet. At the end, she recited something while we all tried to meditate, and I felt a little teary. Another gal started to cry (it turned out she'd had to put her dog to sleep last night). I went over to tell her I'd started to cry to (so she wouldn't feel weird) and she told me about her dog, and the next thing I know I'm rubbing her arms and giving her hugs. I felt so badly for her loss.

Another lady, with sparse white hair, was looking at these cute little knitted caps the teacher had (kind of a flapper style with a big knitted flower) and admiring a tan one. When she asked how much they were (she wanted something warmer than a ball cap for the winter) the teacher told her folks at her church had knitted them and they were free. By this time, there's just me, the teacher, the crying lady and her husband, and the hat lady. The teacher was asking about the surgery, and saying she'd be thinking of me, and then offered me a shawl that was also knit by ladies from her church. It's a cream tweedy yarn with earthy shades of pink and lavender (it's really lovely), and it came with a poem. She put it over my shoulders and had the other ladies touch my back while I closed my eyes and she read the poem. I got a little teary again, but it was very sweet. Then they all wished me luck, and reassured me I'd be calmer once I had the surgery and the results and a plan.

Afterward, I went to the mall, picked up prescriptions at Target, had lunch and picked up a couple of CDs and a new pair of cozy PJs. Then I went to a nail salon and had a mani-pedi and a little massage. I feel quite a bit calmer than I did this morning. We're going to have to get up pretty early tomorrow to get to Greenwich by 8. The xanax helped last night, I had a good night - hopefully I'll sleep tonight as well.

Dumbledore is much better, he's off the meds and back to his old self, frisky and silly. He was savaging a rubber chicken this morning. (I love when he has something in his mouth and whips his head back and forth - he's such a nut). He's also been extra cuddly lately.

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