Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wanna Hear Something Weird?

I've been waking up happy.

I didn't sleep at all the night of the biopsy because I'd been doped up and slept all day, and I was up a couple of hours the next night, but since then I've been sleeping like a log and waking up in a good mood. At first I thought I was in shock and things hadn't sunk in, but that should have worn off by now.

I think it's waking up next to Blair every morning and knowing the boys are both just down the hall, that's making me so happy. Waking up knowing I fell right asleep and didn't notice waking up again is also happy-making.

We did Dan's back to school shopping yesterday, Daniel got size 9 1/2 shoes for heaven's sake! He also got a fedora and he's totally rocking it, especially when he's got his sunglasses on. He now has enough snarky t-shirts to last a whole week.

I'm enjoying the nook. Blair and I picked it up Friday and I returned the books I had bought earlier in the week and re-bought them electronically. I added a bunch of free books and a couple of others I've been wanting, and then added something to my wish list.

We were headed to Target yesterday when we passed Borders. I had been looking for a cancer cookbook (I've started eating healthier and picked up a veggie steamer for the microwave) and they didn't have any in stock at B&N. While I was tying to decide between the two, I used the 3G to check if either of them was available for the nook. They weren't but it was so cool to be able to check. There was another interesting book that I added to the wishlist.(I'm liking that feature! I can keep track of interesting books without actually having to buy them at the time - it was kind of a little revelation to me that I didn't have to spend a lot of money on books right this minute because they might no be available when I get around to them.)

Dan was all excited to find out that there was supposed to be a Hunger Games event starting in a few minutes, so we hung around.  Nothing happened so Dan asked.  Turns out that they didn't start because they didn't think anyone was interested, so they made an announcement and held it just for Dan! He and two employees had a discussion. He bought the next two books and got an autograph and bookmark for participating.

Alex is off work at 3:30 so I'll be able to have birthday dinner with all my guys on my actual birthday! And it's never ending pasta bowl time at Olive Garden.

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