Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lebanon, MO

After an interminable day, filled with much diet coke and many bathroom stops, I arrived at my hotel.  It's a dinky Best Western, with a restaurant that's closed.  Thankfully, the nearby Domino's delivers.  I had the pasta bowl and it was delicious.

It was pretty darn cool seeing the St Louis arch from the highway as crossed the river and into MO.  Other than that the scenery was the same mile after mile after mile.  There are kids in the room next door and they are pretty rambunctious.  But it's only 7, so hopefully they'll settle down soon.  Since the hotel is pretty empty, I'm not sure why they have us next to each other.  I'm trying to scrounge up the energy to take a shower since it's still pretty early to go to bed.

Dumble is lying on my calves and he looks really comfortable.  (another reason not to get up and shower right this minute.)  I've been stuffy all afternoon; I really hope it's allergies and not that I'm catching a cold.  On the bright side, that thing I tried with my Ipod last night worked and I spent the entire day listening to Pride and Prejudice (and it's not finished yet!).  But it's been hard to resist speaking with a British accent when I've interacted with people!


  1. Was Flo Gibson reading Pride and Prejudice? I loved listening to that book. But my favorite, for listening, was Mansfield Park.

    Hugs to Dumble!!!

  2. It's someone named Irene Sutcliff and she's doing a great job with the characters - especially Mrs. Bennett!

    Dumbledore just finished pacing the floor indignantly and now wants to come back up on the bed.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a tendency to pick up accents after being immersed in them too long! I'm glad of the road-trip reports. I really worried about you being on the road all day after a sleepless night. Glad you're there safe and sound, you Road Warrior, you!

  4. I wish we weren't driving home from Texas as you were arriving in MO! I guess you were still about 4 hours from my house but... sigh. You could have bunked over here. Just a smidge out of your way. :-) Be careful!!!

  5. I was really tempted by your proximity to my route - let me tell you!!

    If I'm returning to CT after Dan's school lets out for summer, we're talking about my guys flying out and taking our time with the return trip. We'd love to really explore old Rt 66 and visit with March families.
