Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm thinking about taking some classes to boost my resume (graduate certificates at SHU).

I'm having trouble making up my mind between .NET Technology:

Dynamic Web Page Development
Windows Interface Design
Web Design with JavaScript
Web Programming with ASP

and Web Development:

Windows Interface Design
Database Design
Web Programming with ASP.NET

plus one of
Advanced ASP.NET

There's also Interactive Multimedia:

Web Design with JavaScript
Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia

plus 2 of
Dynamic Web Page Development
Windows Interface Design (VB.NET)
Advanced Scripting with Interactive Media
Multimedia Authoring and Scripting (Authorware)

Any thoughts/recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, anything I say here can be countered with a simple, "If you're so smart, why aren't YOU snapping up the great jobs?"

    But I have to ask: Why would anybody want to put themselves at the mercy of Microsoft, with ASP and VB? I don't see ASP being asked for much, or if it is, it's under a bunch of other stuff. Remember that Microsoft throws out its own standards with alarming frequency, so constant updates to any skills are required.

    Also, Firefox' market share continues to grow, along with other non-MS browsers, so web stuff aimed solely at Microsoft users would seem to be a losing strategy.

    Me, I'd say go straight for SQL in its various flavors. Since MySQL is free, you can set up a server at home and practice on that before class even starts.

    And then there's PHP and all the stuff based on that. F'rinstamce, there's Drupal, which is what I use for

    Javascript is worth learning, I imagine, but so is Adobe Flash. (And both can be wildly abused, so watch out for that.)

    But heck, you've got an MBA. Come up with some killer product (okay, probably not LITERALLY killer) and then you can hire US to do all the programming and web admin stuff, while you sit back and munch on tea and finger sandwiches.
