Monday, July 20, 2009

Dan's Programming Class

Today was the first day of Daniel's computer game programming class. The school is very close to my office, so he walked over to join me when he was done. He came out of it bubbly and excited, and really enjoyed himself. He said that today they designed some games, and I talked to him briefly about the software development cycle (since I was debugging a program at the time). I can't believe how it warmed my heart that he thought programming was cool. Now I get why some parents are so hot to have their kids take over the family business!

We had a very lazy weekend, capped with hanging out at a playground last evening in listening range of a free concert by Jamey Johnson. It was a lovely evening for a walk, and for listening to great music. This evening was cool, so we took a long walk to the park, and Dan played on the playground, while I read a book in the shade. He's such good company, and I'm enjoying him immensely.


  1. Do you know what language Dan's using? GT1 had a programming camp over the summer and they used MIT's Scratch.

  2. William would love to program his own video games, I think. If only so he could play something new, to his liking.

    Glad Dan enjoyed the class!
