Friday, December 18, 2009

Busy Busy

I had a wonderful time at the bead show on Saturday.  I took two classes (and was the only student in each).  In the first, I made the lovely beaded beads in the first picture.  The second was on stringing.  First I learned to string pearls (with the knots between).

Then I crocheted silk thread with crystals and lastly learned to make links with the crystals and silver wire.

I was enchanted by the jewelry in the booth that sold these acrylic flowers and leaves.  It looked like fairy jewelry.  I had to get some so I could try it for myself.

The last photo shows the kits I bought from the lady who taught my first class.  All her stuff was sooo gorgeous, I couldn't resist!

The next day, I made earrings from a kit that used crystals to mimic christmas lights.  I used my new link-making skills and my loops and wire wrapping were much improved from the day before.  I'll be sure to post a photo of my new holiday earrings.

Tonight I packed, because tomorrow night I'm headed home for a whole week+ for the holiday.  We'll celebrate Blair's birthday a little late, the last day of Hannukkah, and then Christmas!  Mom (and hopefully my sister and aunt) and I will bake the Christmas cookie dough we made before Thanksgiving and froze.  And I'm looking forward to a friend's annual Christmas Eve fete.  And Alex will be down from Massachussetts.  I also have a batch of doctor appointments.  Fun!

1 comment:

  1. With all this storm fury-it's 5:30 p.m. here in Trumbull and it hasn't started yet- I hope you get home safely and without delay. Mnay east coast flights have been cancelled as I'm sure you heard.
    Tje jewlery you mad is gorgeous!

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Lois Hoyt
