"Oh look, the sister is passing out knives for the kids to play with"
Daniel went to his first meeting of the Society of Young Magicians yesterday. A magician named Tony Clark did some tricks and showed the kids how to do them. Dan was very quiet but said later that he'd had a good time and was glad we'd signed him up. It seems like a cool group, they have a lending library of books and videos, and he was talking with some of the kids during the snack break.
One of the tricks Tony showed them was how to "swallow" a knife. So during the break, a nun (the meeting was held at Villa Maria) was handing out plastic knives so the kids could try the trick for themselves.
Afterwards, we met Blair's family for lunch with his aunt and her granddaughter's soon to be in-laws at V a restaurant in Westport. I had some really yummy butternut squash ravioli. Oh, man it was delicious and the company was lovely.
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