Wednesday, April 15
After work, I was running laundry so I wouldn't be short on clean clothes when I got back. But when I put my clothes in the dryer, I forgot to take my keys. 45 minutes of conversation with very nice neighbors I'd never met before, my clothes were dry and folded and I was finally back in my place. I need to find a better way to make sure that I always take my keys with me. :-)
I packed (barely - there are clothes and toiletries at home, I needed underwear, dog food and something to read on the plane.)
Thursday, April 16
A friend of my brother's from CT was transferred from CT to one of the hospitals here at the clinic, and I visited her during my lunch break. Easy peasy, there was a bus from the complex I work in to her hospital. Quick stop for lunch on the way back and I was all set.
I'd worked late all week so I could leave a little early, so I left at 3:30. Took Dumble for a walk, gathered up my stuff and the van picked me up for the drive to the airport in Minneapolis. Dumble settled down pretty quickly in his new carrier.
We got there in plenty of time to get checked in, go through security, pick up some dinner in the terminal and get to the gate. Dumble wasn't entirely happy when zipped in the carrier, either on my back or on the ground. He whined and whimpered and I was nervous for the flight. But once I put the bag on its back and slid it under the seat, he curled up in a ball and was calm and quiet the whole ride.
He was good in the limo on the way home, too. And around 1AM, we were in Bridgeport and Blair and Daniel were waiting for us to take us home.
Friday, April 17
Dumbledore's groomer came early and he looks gorgeous again! He's so soft and silky when he's clean, the hair on his head is baby fine. It's such a pleasure to bury my nose in his hair!
My guys came with me to my appointment and we got that out of the way early. Next up, we went to Target to look at some jeans for me - I'd forgotten to change out of my work pants before the van came for me, so I had nothing to knock around in.
A couple of weeks ago, I attempted to approximate how much allowance we hadn't paid Daniel in the last couple of years. He's been so understanding and just plain cool about money issues that I thought he deserved a treat, and Blair agreed. After rejecting the jeans I tried on, we nonchalantly walked over to the electronics department. Dan went to play with demo systems and Blair and I checked out the Nintendo DSis. After being reassured that the regular Nintendo DS games worked in the new systems, we called Daniel over and asked him what color he wanted. He was surprised and thrilled. Later he told us that he was smiling so much his "smile bones" were hurting. Note of caution to others interested in the DSi - the carrying cases and other items manufactured by other companies to fit the DS and DS Lite don't work with the DSi (ask us how we know that.) He was the happiest boy, thanking us repeatedly and smiling constantly.
Lunch was at MacDonald's. Then a trip to the mall to J Jill for jeans (I've always been happy with the way their jeans fit me). Then home to watch some Tivo'd shows (what a concept, watching TV in the same state with the rest of the family - hey, the same room and couch!)
Next up, we visited Blair's work. He was so cute showing me and Dan off to his coworkers and the residents.
Then dinner at Olive Garden. We're used to the line on a weekend night being so long that we usually eat in the bar, but there was only a 10 minute wait, no one waiting outside, and hardly anyone waiting inside. Dan and I both took home leftovers and the three of us split a dessert.
Saturday, April 18
After lunch, Blair, Daniel, Dumbledore and I went walking (I hesitate to call it hiking) on the trail in the Pequonnock River Valley (a former railbed turned trail). It was a perfect day for a nature walk. Cool and a little breezy. Dumble was thrilled to be outside walking and greet all the people and dogs on the trail. We went down a side trail to the river and Dumble got his feet wet. Afterwards, we dropped the dog back at the house and went for ice cream. Then we went to Best Buy to return the accessories for Dan's new toy ("It's not a toy, Mom.") that didn't fit.
Alex had gotten a ride to CT with some friends, so we made arrangements for him to come by so we could all go out to dinner. Talk about achy smile bones. I was so happy to be sitting at a table with all my guys. Blair used to call Alex the James Dean of Gibson Ave because he's usually so quiet, but after a beer or two he was almost expansive. He was telling us about his job (he works as a dishwasher at an Italian restaurant in Springfield, Mass., and it sounds like he works really hard and they like and trust him. I was really proud. Dan showed off some of his magic tricks for Alex, and it was just a lovely, perfect evening.
I packed two suitcases with warm weather clothes and later that night Blair, Dan and I played a round of Wii Bowling. Sheesh, I get worse every time I play that thing, but we had fun.
Sunday, April 19
We went over to my Mom's for breakfast (she made her apricot almond loaf because she knows how much I love it.) There was also bagels, homemade coffee cake and orange cinnamon rolls. Then it was lunchtime! There were homemade potato pancakes, turkey crocquettes, spinach souffle and chicken pot pie. My brother was there with his 2 girls, my sister and her husband, her son Leigh (who used to work in the store) and his friend, my auntie and my in-laws. It was so good to see the family and the food was sooo good!
Blair and Dan drove Dumble and me to the airport and Dumble was as cool on the return trip as he'd been on the way there. I lost track of how many times I kissed my guys before I let them go. It was wonderful to spend time with all three of my men - everythign I do is because of them.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wow, I shouldn't have had a Diet Coke with my lunch today! I'm keyed up enough what with excitement about going home, plus I'm always nervous before a plane trip - and I won't relax until I'm actually on the plane.
Going Home!
I'm so excited! This afternoon, I am going home for the first time since I came to Minnesota. I got an airline approved puppy-carrier, airline tix and reservations on a shuttle the the airport in Minneapolis. I'm packed (not that I'm taking much with me, there are toiletries and clothes there, and I plan to take a suitcase full of warm weather clothes back here with me.
The less fun part is a follow-up mammogram, but there's plenty of fun scheduled too. Visits with my family and Blair's, taking Daniel out to celebrate great report cards, being on the honor roll and having teachers who raved about him at conferences last week. Both my guys have Friday off (and Blair made sure he wasn't going to have to work Saturday too.) Dan's really excited that Dumbledore can come too. I hope he travels well in the plane - he's great in the car now.
- I'm going home tonight!
- Warmer weather - Dumble and I have had some nice rambles down by the river the last couple of days and I've dispensed with my big down coat.
- More musical interludes on the way home from work.
The less fun part is a follow-up mammogram, but there's plenty of fun scheduled too. Visits with my family and Blair's, taking Daniel out to celebrate great report cards, being on the honor roll and having teachers who raved about him at conferences last week. Both my guys have Friday off (and Blair made sure he wasn't going to have to work Saturday too.) Dan's really excited that Dumbledore can come too. I hope he travels well in the plane - he's great in the car now.
- I'm going home tonight!
- Warmer weather - Dumble and I have had some nice rambles down by the river the last couple of days and I've dispensed with my big down coat.
- More musical interludes on the way home from work.
Friday, April 3, 2009
ATC Spinner pt 37
From top to bottom:
- "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes" Scott Adams; 7 Gypsies Quarterdeck playing card
- "There are three kinds of people - those who can count and those who can't" Tim Holtz Stamper Anonymous Classic Collage stamp, Tim Holtz Distress Embossing Powder.
- "A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." Groucho Marx; 7 Gypsies printed ATC, Tim Holtz Distress Inks, Tim Holtz Distressables Elements digital image
- Hambly transparency
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