Dumble is our family's newest member - a little Yorkshire Terrier. He's sweet and funny and cute and we all adore him. As a matter of fact, one of his nicknames is Dumble-dorable!
Dumble just luuurves people. When my older boy (19) has company, Dumble practically wags his back end off and becomes a squirmy little bundle of worship.
We got him to be company for me and I was planning to bring him to the store so he wouldn't be lonely when I started working full-time. But I worried that all the people in and out of the place would be overwhelming for the little guy.
Then in mid-December we had a holiday open house at our place, and after the first few people arrived (and were appropriately fawned over,) Dumble calmed down. He didn't bark when the doorbell rang, or when people let themselves in. Instead he busied himself doing an impression of a roomba. He did try to plant himself in my Mom's dinner plate when she left it too close to the edge of the coffee table, but mostly he foraged for crumbs around everyone's feet.
I think he's going to love being a shop-dog. Now if I can just get him over the car sickness...
The architects plans are awaiting landlord approval and will soon go out to contractors for bid.